Ammerån - Lower Ammerån fishing association!

Ammerån originates from Solbergsvattnet, and ends up into Indalsälven some miles upstream Hammarstrand. The more rapid sections of the river mainly holds a nice stock of grayling, seasoned with a portion (if you're lucky, really big) trout - in the quieter parts you find perch, pike, ide and more. Ammerån is divided into three fishing associations - from Solbergsvattnet and downstream toward Skyttmon; Solberg-Vikens fishing association, followed by Upper Ammeråns fishing association, down to upstream Överammer where Lower Ammeråns fishing association takes over.

The lower parts of Ammerån - Lower Ammeråns fishing association - is my home waters and has given me many pleasant fishing memories over the years. I gladly share my experiences (e-mail me at In the menu on the right you will find links to valuable information (and a lot more if you switch to Swedish).